About us

We are driven by the conviction to surprise people with innovative, profound solutions and to enable them to make their own decisions.

Stop by for a cup of coffee and get to know us.

Nicole Lachenmeier

Nicole Lachenmeier


Co-founder of Superdot and head of design. She is creative lead and specializes in design strategy, data experience design, design systems and typography. She holds an MA in visual communication and iconic research.


More about Nicole


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Darjan Hil

Darjan Hil


Co-founder and CEO of Superdot. Expert in analytics, data visualization, storytelling, consulting and project management. He holds an MSc in business informatics and an MA in visual communication and iconic research.


More about Darjan

Sarah Heitz

Sarah Heitz


Designer and illustrator at Superdot. Specializing in data visualization, web illustration, animation, video editing, 3D modeling and social media. She has a BA in visual communication.


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Aaron Ritschard

Aaron Ritschard


Designer and front-end developer at Superdot. Specializes in data analysis, concept development, interaction design and web development. He holds a BA in fine arts and an MA in visual communication and iconic research.


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See the poster about the impact of our work.


2024 Data Meets Art

2024 Swiss Viz Award

2023 ADC Wettbewerb, bronze

2023 Swiss Design Awards, finalist

2023 Stiftung Buchkunst, shortlist

2023 European Design Award, finalist

2023 Indigo Design Award, gold

2022 Joseph Binder Award, gold

2022 DPA Infographic Award, silver

2022 ICMA Award, bronze

2020 Concept Grant Pro Helvetia

2018 CSS Design Award Best UI and Best Innovation

2016 Information is Beautiful Award, bronze

2015 DPA Infografik Award, bronze

2013 Out of Balance Kritik der Gegenwart Award, 1st prize

2012 Die schönsten Schweizer Bücher

2006 Die schönsten Schweizer Bücher

Teaching + Workshops

Since 2021 HSLU MA Design
Since 2020 HSLU Data Design + Art
Since 2019 HKB CAS Data Visualization
Since 2018 HSLU Digital Ideation – Studio Information Aesthetics
2024 Workshop 2CO Communicating Complexity
2024 BA MultiMediaArt Salzburg
2023 Information Design Conference
2023 Jury IIID Information Design Award
2023 ETH Zürich Workshop mit MID
2022 ZHDK Interaction Design Workshop mit MID
2021 Jury SDG Hackathon
2018/2020/2024 Jury HKB CAS Data Visualization
2017–2020 FHGR Multimedia Production – Modul Visualisieren 
2017–2020 FHNW HGK Mentoring Swiss Cultural Challenge 
2017 Summer Workshop Visualisieren AID Berlin
2016 FHNW HGK HyperWerk – The visual beauty of information



2023 Vienna Design Week
2023 Zürich Design Weeks
2020 Design Switzerland, Vienna Design Week
2016 Planetary Urbanism, Quinto
2016 Grafik 16, Zürich

Lectures + Talks

2024 2CO Communicating Complexity
2023 Datavisualization Zürich
2023 Information Design Conference
2023 Design School at London College of Communication
2023 Clinical Reporting
2022 DataCross Lecture
2022 Keynote 2CO Communicating Complexity
2022 ISVIS
2022 ETH Zürich, Design Studio Christ+Gantenbein
2021 Data Science for good – Aesthetic Data Visualization
2021 Ux Camp Switzerland – Data Experience Design
2019 FHNW Hochschule für Wirtschaft
2018 FYI – For your Information Conference, Vienna
2018 HKB CAS Data Visualization
2018 United Nations Designers Talk
2018 EDCH Munich
2017 FHNW HGK Visual Communication Institute
2016 TWIAD – World Information Architecture Day Zürich
2014 ScienceComm14
2014 FHNW Campus Talk



2024 Policy Viz #263 – Nicole + Darjan
2023 The deep dive #157 – Darjan
2023 The Human Centered Design – Darjan
2023 The Human Centered Design – Nicole
2023 Nodes of design #90 – Darjan + Nicole

We have worked with these companies and organisations (selection)


Bank Pictet
Flow Swiss 
Helvetia Versicherungen
Hintermann & Weber 
NZZ – Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Schweizer Post
Tele Haase
VBZ – Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich

City + Government

Abteilung Kulturförderung Basel Landschaft
Bildungslandschaft St. Johann/Volta
Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
Gemeinde Oberwil
Gesundheitsdepartement Basel-Stadt
IBA Basel
Kanton Zug
Präsidialdepartement Basel-Stadt
Staatsarchiv Basel-Stadt
SECO – Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft
Staatskanzlei Basel-Stadt
Startup Academy
Statistisches Amt Basel-Stadt
Statistisches Amt Zürich
Swiss Federal Statistical Office

Organizations + Institutions

Age Stiftung
AID Berlin
Antikenmuseum Basel
Arch+ Stiftung Bauhaus
Basel Area
Bundeskunsthalle Bonn
Christoph Merian Stiftung
FHNW Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst
FHNW Hochschule für soziale Arbeit
FHNW Hochschule für Wirtschaft
Fondation Botnar
FHGR Multimedia Production
HKB Hochschule der Künste
Hochschule Luzern Design + Kunst 
Kestner Gesellschaft Hannover
Kunstmuseum Basel
Leopold Bachmann Stiftung
Museum für Kommunikation Bern
Naturhistorisches Museum Basel
Roger Federer Foundation
Schweizer Nationalfonds
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Unicef Switzerland
United Nations
Universität Basel
Universitätsbibliothek Basel
Velux Foundation
ZHDK – Zurich University of the Arts