Survey on New Workspaces

The Client

Zurich University of the Arts

Illustratives Poster zur Darstellung der Umfrageergebnisse zur zukünftigen Gestaltung von Seminarräumen an der ZHdK.




Survey Results


The Challenge

The project team «Neue Arbeitsräume» (NEAR) at Zurich University of the Arts aimed to evaluate the experiences of users with the seminar rooms NEAR Shift & Toolbox. The goal was to better design future seminar rooms. The survey was directed at everyone who had used these rooms. Our task was to present the survey results in a clear and understandable manner for the Management Board and the users.

The Outcome

After conducting a data analysis, we held a workshop with ZHdK experts to align the statistics with practical experiences. We designed two posters that showcase ZHdK room elements in an illustrative style. A radial diagram in the background visualizes the strength of the survey results. Qualitative statements are incorporated as quotes within the statistics to support the findings.

The Impact

The posters were displayed at the university to motivate everyone to actively participate in the co-creation of creative spaces. Additionally, checklists were provided to complement the room experience and the campaign at ZHdK. This demonstrates that it is possible to combine qualitative and quantitative data in an appealing and accessible way. A well-conducted evaluation can be the starting point for new initiatives and participatory processes.